Wednesday, May 28, 2014

More from the kiss scene

One of her first kisses

Kisses from her buddy Clint, with Desi in front. There are five boys she gets together with twice a week and they are good friends. She talks about them, Kavi, Sam, and Wilson, too, quite a bit. I think Clint, who kissed her, is her current favorite.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Getting ready for her party

Full sentences

Liana usually speaks in two word phrases but is now sometimes using full sentences.
Her first three word sentence was:
"I kissed Snowy."
Followed this morning by a four word sentence:
"I did a poo."
(It was in the toilet, as usual."

Here she is wearing a pasta necklace she just made.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Liana at school and the gym

Oldie but goodies

For breakfast Liana wore headphones because of the coffee grinder and then ate butter while we cooked pancakes.
Also included are some old photos I saw while packing

Monday, May 5, 2014

Wood chips for lunch

Liana served up some yummy wood chips at the playground. She also learned to jump in the pool, go under, and then swim (with help) to the side.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Best summer weather snack

Yogurt and frozen blueberries in a nice cream cone.


Today Liana had her introduction to the tool box. She was very curious about it all and now she is screwing screws into dirt.
This week she has also learned to out two and three words together and to count to three.
"Lani big poop."
"Cat water more"