Sunday, April 21, 2013

Liana and Tony

Jaal took these photos last month. He's becoming quite the photographer.
She will be eleven months old tomorrow.
Her signing is improving daily. Yesterday I asked her if she wanted to take a nap or go for a walk and she signed "walk."
I also asked her if she was all done eating, and I thought she was, but she signed more. I thought she was messing up her signs and corrected her with another all done sign. She again signed more, and I decided that maybe she actually wanted more. She even tried to say, "cheese", and did a pretty good job of it. She ate quite a bit more cheese before she signed all done.
Her favorite foods are cheese, cottage cheese, strawberries, frozen cherries, and oranges. She like avocado and egg quite a bit, too.
She even likes blue cheese and pepperjack if it's not too strong or spicy.

Liana and Snowy

Liana at 10 months. Jaal is quite the photographer, and she is quite the subject.

Check out those eyes in the sunlight!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Liana signing

Liana is getting over a virus that was her worst cold yet. Her fever got up to 102 and it made us nervous but she was in a good mood throughout. The doctor was impressed with how happy and active she was even though she had a fever that high.

This last week she has been signing a lot. She uses signs for more, all done, hi, bye, dog, walk, and milk, although none of them are super consistent.