Saturday, March 9, 2013

We are back home from CA

Liana is excited about the pine cones in our yard. She is learning not to put things in her mouth if I say, "That's a yuck," and push it away.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Mountain view CA

Today Liana learned to drink from a straw. She discovered that she loves mango lassi. Lately she has been really excited about being able to crawl and sit on her own. She also just got her fifth tooth this morning. She sometimes waves goodbye and continues to be one of the happiest babies I have ever known. One of the most unique things about her is the way she uses her feet as extra hands. Although she is still not a good sleeper at night she is an extremely happy baby during the day. She does sleep all night, she just wakes up to nurse every couple hours. She loves to eat most fruits and vegetables. I haven't found a food she doesn't like except spicy food makes her frown and throw it on the floor. She almost never poops in her diaper and often pees in the potty also.

Santa Cruz yesterday